Monday, June 30, 2008

Wear it out!

Wear it out!
Have you ever saved an outfit for a special occasion so long that when you finally pulled it out it was out of style? Why do we save certain outfits and clothes for what we feel is a special occasion? How come we don’t classify every living day as a special occasion? Looking good boosts your self-esteem, so what are you saving your best stuff for? Wear clothes, make-up jewelry, shoes, underwear (matching of course) and fragrances that you love everyday. Don’t put off feeling good. Choose outfits that fit and flatter your body now, not the body you wish for. Show yourself some affection everyday. Stop putting off wearing an outfit tomorrow when you can wear it today. Pop the tags and put it on. Everyday is a special occasion. What are your thoughts?


Ms Nia said...

AMEN!!! That is so true. Since tomorrow is not promised, Today is a "Special Occasion". It not only holds true for your good clothes, jewelry, etc but anything. I have never been the one to save candles for a sepcial occasion. And china, shot anytime there's not child to feed, I'm using it. Ya get the drift...

BTW, thanks for the inspiration and reminders. Luv ya sista!!!

The Wise VA said...

YES! You'd be surprised how your day goes when you put a little extra care into "you" for the day.

Good word!